Welcome to the Horus Heresy Legion Affiliation Quiz
Everyone knows Horus betrayed the Emperor, but some would say the Emperor first betrayed many of his own Sons. Was Horus justified in his actions?
Yes, Horus was justified
No, Horus was not justified
You have established a foothold on a planet with forces rebelling against the Imperium. Do you coordinate orbital assaults, or transport additional troops and armaments to the surface?
Orbital Assault
Troops and Armaments
There is an Ork outpost hosting somewhere around 500-1000 Orks, and you are tasked with wiping it out. Do you assemble a large force of Bolter-equipped troops, or do you exchange your numbers for just a few Elite squads?
Numbers baby!
The best of the best can handle it
You are planning an invasion onto a planet that has an unknown Xenos species occupying its surface. Do you send in Shock Assault squads to try to surprise the enemy with as much unexpected damage, as fast as possible, and hope you get some information back, or, do you transport your force in full, thus alerting the enemy, and bunker down for a battle of attrition, with the hopes of gathering intel as the battles wane on?
Shock Assault
The Emperor has fallen. What is your reaction to being asked to follow the newly introduced Codex Astartes?
No way, my Legion needs to stay strong
Yes, anything to avoid another civil war
You are at a resupply station and are arming your troops for your next conquest. Are you grabbing fresh Chainswords and Chainaxes, or are you rounding up Plasma canisters and Bolter rounds?
Ranged Weapons
Do you agree with the results of the Council of Nikea?
No, Psykers are fine, and Space Wolf Shamans are Psykers
Yes, Psykers are a danger to the Imperium and Shamans are not Pskyers
Your target is to collect valued relics inside an enemy fortress. Do you launch a Stealth mission, utilizing covert operations, spies, and trickery to carry out the operation quietly, or, do you establish footing on the outskirts of the fortress and lay siege to the entire enemy force?
Covert Operations
Lay waste to the whole thing
You are defending your position as a last stand. Your enemy is “at the gates” so to speak. Do you ride out on jetbikes and land speeders, hoping to startle and swarm the enemy, or do you utilize heavy artillery and air strikes while staying behind cover?
Blaze of Glory
Turtle up
When your Space Marines are not deployed or in combat, they spend their time:
Expanding their minds, engaging with art, or performing Humanitarian efforts
Combat Training non-stop
Run it